Team Introduction
Players can create a team with other players in order to challenge BOSS Monsters and complete difficult tasks, activities, or instances.
How to make a team
Select the player that you would like to make a team with by clicking on their character, then right-click on that player's avatar.
You will see a drop down menu after clicking on their avatar, then select the team invitation option. The team will be successfully formed once that player accepts your team invitation.
Or you can right-click on the player’s name from the chatting area. Then click on team invitation when the mini menu appears
Or you can open the friend interface by pressing [O] on your keyboard and selecting the player that you would like to team up with from your friend list. Then select the team invitation option.
Team Function
Each team can have a maximum of 5 players. The player that sent you the team invitation will be captain of that team.
The captain can recruit new members, choose a new captain and remove members from the team list as he chooses.
The system will automatically determine whether you are selecting a team that you would like to join or inviting people join your team when you send a team invitation.
The system will consider all players as being offline once they disconnect with the server or log off of the game.
The system will then automatically remove them from that team. If the captain goes offline, then the captain’s position will automatically be given to another team member.
Players in a team can find each other’s location by hovering over that player’s class emblem to find out which map they are in and travelling to that region to locate them by looking for a blue dot on the map. Press [M] on your keyboard to open the map interface.
Experience addition & Distribution
Experience is indicated as EXP in Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms (DOAK).
You will be rewarded with much more EXP and equipment from the system when you attack monsters as a team.
All experience is divided equally between team members.
Team Distribution
Team Distribution Mode is when the team captain decides who gets what items after killing monsters. The captain can change the distribution mode by clicking the distribution button.
Distribution Mode description:
1) Freedom picking Up: A monster might drop some items on the ground once it is killed. Team members can pick up these items manually in this mode. It all depends on how fast you can pick these items up.
2) Random Allocation: Items will be randomly allocated to team members once a monster is killed.
3) Quality Allocation: This allocation is decided by the quality of the items that drop down from monsters.
Every team member will have a chance to throw dice to win this item, if the quality of the item is higher than the settings.
Whoever throws the dice with the biggest number will win this item. It will be decided through random allocation if the quality of the item is lower than the settings.
UDEA hopes these tips make the game-play of South Africa's best free to play MMO, even better! Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms thanks you for your support.